Tuesday, 11 FebruaryAsia/DushanbebTue, 11 Feb 2025 17:24:43 +0500000000pmTue, 11 Feb 2025 17:24:43 +050025 2025

Institute of Public assistants of prosecutors and investigators of the prosecutor’s offices of the Republic of Tajikistan is a part of the target system of training specialists for prosecutor’s offices which promotes learning of the accumulated practical prosecutorial and investigative professional knowledge and practical capabilities by each of them.

The purpose of the Institute of Public assistants of prosecutors and investigators is to contribute to the formation of the practical possibilities of the future prosecutors and investigators, teaching the proper use of theoretical knowledge in the implementation of the supervisory activities of the prosecutor's offices, learning methods and analysis techniques, the implementation of prosecutorial supervision over the preliminary investigation and detection of crime, the use of scientific recommendations for organizing work and management, as well as assistance to the prosecutor’s offices in strengthening legality and legal order.

The tasks of the Institute of Public assistants of prosecutors and investigators are increasing involvement of the public, including the students during practical training in the work of prosecutor’s offices.

Public assistants of the prosecutor’s offices can be citizens of the Republic of Tajikistan with higher legal education, as well as senior students of law schools that have high theoretical knowledge and exemplary behavior.

The requirements, necessary documents for admission to the public assistants of the prosecutor’s offices, the order of enrollment and deduction of the public assistants, their objectives, content and organization of their work are determined by the General Prosecutor of the Republic of Tajikistan.

Материал в разработке

On the base of Article 53 of the Constitutional Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "About the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Tajikistan" to the prosecutor’s offices can be hired citizens of the Republic of Tajikistan under the age of 35, which have a higher legal education, know official language, and have the necessary professional and moral qualities, capable on health grounds to perform the duties assigned to them.

By order of the General Prosecutor of the Republic of Tajikistan the procedure for employment to the prosecutor’s offices of the republic was determined. According to this procedure, to the prosecutor's offices can be accepted citizens of the Republic of Tajikistan which are graduated from the Law faculties of Higher Governmental Institutions and on the base of decision of the distributive state commission about distribution of graduate students to the prosecutor's offices.

The State Commission operates on the basis of the Regulation approved by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan.

There is a representative from the General Prosecutor’s office of the Republic as a part of the State Commission during allocation of law graduates of higher educational institutions.

By the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Tajikistan has signed agreements for cooperation in the training of young specialists in the field of law with the State National University, State University of Law, Business and Politics of Tajikistan and the Tajik-Russian (Slavonic) University.

People who do not have sufficient practical experience by specialty will have traineeship during one year in the prosecutor’s offices.  

The General Prosecutor of the Republic of Tajikistan in exceptional cases has the right to reduce the term of traineeship or release from traineeship.

Those who have been appointed for the first time to the position of prosecutors and investigators will take the prosecutor oath.