Tuesday, 04 MaramTue, 04 Mar 2025 03:32:15 +05002025-03-04T03:32:15+05:0003 2025

General terms

  • This instruction regulates unified order, registration and examination of the oral appeals (complaints) of citizens, which are made by helpline of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Tajikistan (further “helpline”).
  • Organization and use of the “helpline” on registration of oral appeals of citizens which are made by the helpline of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Tajikistan, foreign citizens and persons without citizenship entrust to the Office of work organization and reception of citizens.
  • Devices of the “helpline” connected to specific local numbers, have answerphone that records conversations. Responsibility to the “helpline” is assigned to one of the co-workers of the Bureau. Oral appeals through the “helpline” are receiving only on weekdays.
  • Consideration of oral appeals by the order of leadership entrusts to the co-workers of the prosecutors’ offices. Responsibility for proper organization of work and impartial and timely consideration of the oral appeals which are entered through the “helpline” entrust to the head of the Bureau.
  • Oral appeals which are entering through the “helpline”  are considering by the requirements of the Law "On citizens appeals".
  • Authorized person who is responsible for the organization of work of “helpline”, periodically hears its record, authenticates appeals. The term of record in the memory of the telephone is determined within 7 days.
  • Brief overview of “helpline”, the mode and order of its brings to attention of citizens through the media, the official website of the General Prosecutor's Office and its placement in the prosecutor's office bulletin boards.
  • In the case of the change of city number of "helpline" to enter the changes to paragraph 1.7 the measures are taking not later than three days and reporting to the head of the General Prosecutor's Office. During malfunction of the number of “helpline” the request timely will be send to organizational communication services for troubleshooting.
  • Aims of the use of the “Helpline”
  • 2.1Acceptance of information about offenses and imminent crimes, committing or committed crimes, also secret data and information when citizens want to be anonymous.

2.2Preventing and timely disclosing offences and corruption factors of staff of the prosecutors’ offices.

2.3 Providing appropriate conditions for operational receiving of the information about offences and crimes from citizens.

2.4 Organizing direct relationship with the community for receiving information about imminent, committing or committed crimes.

2.5Consulting of the appealing citizens about the nature of the presented statements and complaints, at the same time provide them the legal assistance.

2.6Using “helpline” for execution of other official duties or private use is prohibited.

Order of acceptance and registration of the oral appeals by the “helpline”

3.1 Receiving and registration appeals by phone are made by the co-workers mentioned in paragraph 1.3 of this instruction.

3.2 With the purpose of correct accounting of appeals, timely supervision and qualitative providing of their consideration by the responsible staff of the Bureau was opened “register of citizens’ appeals through helpline” (RCATH), journal which will be registered in the department of General Prosecutor's office.

3.3 RCATH describes, its columns must contain the following text:

  • Ordinal numbers;
  • Time and the date of receipt of appeal;
  • Family name and name of the applicant;
  • Address and the phone number of the applicant;
  • Brief description of the appeal;
  • Family name, name and signature of the co-worker who received appeal;
  • Provided term for consideration;
  • Family name, name of the co-worker whose responsibility is the consideration of appeal;
  • Results about the consideration of the appeal and informing the applicant with the results of the consideration;

3.4 Before receiving appeal citizens will be notified of criminal liability for the knowingly false information according to the Article 346 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Tajikistan.

3.5 Acceptance and registration of oral appeals by the “helpline”, also implement by automatic fix of the telephones.

3.6 Time for receiving one oral appeal in a mode of automatic fix is 7 minutes.

3.7 When citizen made a call the sample conversations in automatic mode must be set out as following: "Hello, you've reached the helpline of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Tajikistan. Time of your appeal should not exceed 7 minutes. Please leave information about your full name and residence, and information about offense or a crime after the beep. Anonymous of your appeal will be guaranteed. At the same time, we notified you that knowingly false information according to the Article 346 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Tajikistan is a criminal offense.

3.8 Oral appeals which are entered through the "helpline" via automatic fix of conversations are wiretap by the co-worker indicated in paragraph 1.3 of the instructions; the correctness of the appeal fixing must be checked. In the case of infallibility and completeness of the fixation, appeal in accordance with the established order will be registered in RCATH.

4. The order of consideration of appeals entered through “helpline”

4.1 Consideration of appeals entered through "helpline" is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Law “On citizens' appeals”, Criminal procedural legislation and other legal norms which are identifying the actions of the prosecutors’ offices in these fields.

4.2 Incoming appeals which are registered in the established order by the report of the responsible officer, operatively delivered to the leadership of the General Prosecutor's Office. On appeals about offenses of the co-workers of the prosecutors’ offices will be hold official investigation in established order.

4.3Oral appeals of citizens entered by "helpline" without full name and address according to the requirements of the paragraph 2 Article 2 of the Law of RT "On citizens’ appeals" will be considered as anonymous and will not be reviewed.

If the anonymous appeals contain information about the offenses of co-workers of the prosecutors’ offices this information will be registered in RCATH and in an established order will be presented to the General Prosecutor. Based on this information, the General Prosecutor can assign an official investigation.

4.4 If entered appeals have information on imminent, committing or committed crimes, by the order of leadership these appeals will be sent for consideration to the appropriate authorities.

4.5 According to the appeals of citizens who informed about themself, officially will be notified about the results of consideration of the appeal. Information about the examination of anonymous appeal, regarding to the co-worker of the prosecutor's office will be directly provided to the General Prosecutor.

4.6 The results of the consideration and verification of all types of appeals will be reported to the leadership.

4.7 If in the oral appeal of citizen there are insult, threat of injury or attempted at a life, concerning to the co-worker receiving this appeal, the appeal together with the record of telephone conversation operationally will be presented to the General Prosecutor to take action.

5. Time of consideration of citizens' appeals entered through “helpline”

5.1 Time of consideration of citizens’ appeals entered by “helpline” are carried out in accordance to the Law of RT "On citizens’ appeals" and other relevant laws.

6. Control of acceptance, registration and consideration results of appeals entered through “helpline”

6.1 Control of the reception order, registration and consideration of oral appeals of citizens entered through the "helpline", the access of the "helpline", time provision and the results of consideration are responsibility of the Bureau of work organization and reception of citizens.

6.2 Every 3 months Bureau draw up a detailed summary about entered citizens’ appeals through the “helpline”, the results of their consideration, analyzing and summarizing them will present to the General Prosecutor.